“The Annual meeting of JSPS Alumni Association Egypt (JSPS AAE)” & “The 2nd International JSPS Webinars: Preparedness for the next COVID-19 Wave Multidisciplinary Impacts: Health, Education and Environment”開催のお知らせ

2021年2月13日(土曜)、オンライン(Zoom)にて“The Annual meeting of JSPS Alumni Association Egypt (JSPS AAE)” & “The 2nd International JSPS Webinars: Preparedness for the next COVID-19 Wave Multidisciplinary Impacts: Health, Education and Environment”を開催いたします。

Organizers: JSPA AAE / JSPS Research Station, Cairo

2021年2月13日(土曜)  午前9:50~午後4:45 (エジプト時間)

Please register at : Form   https://forms.gle/uQhDH7jt2ws2KQbG8

International Symposium of JSPS AAE




ホームイベント開催済みイベント“The Annual meeting of JSPS Alumni Association Egypt (JSPS…