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May 13, 2015 JSPS Cairo Research Station visited National Research Centre(NRC).
The payment of Membership fees (FY2015) is required.
Feb.21, 2015 The General Assembly Meeting of JSPSAAE was held.
Feb.3, 2015 Call for Applications: FY2015 BRIDGE Fellowship.
Dec.15, 2014 JSPSAAE and Menoufia University held the First Science Forum in Menoufia University “Renewable Energy and Climate Change with Orientation for Study and Research Opportunities in Japan.”
Dec.4, 2014 The core member meeting was held.
May 10, 2014 JSPSAAE joined the conference “Renewable Energy Challenges and Opportunities in Egypt (RECO), 2014.”
Apr.24, 2014 JSPS Cairo Research Station joined “The First Coordination Meeting On Implementing the Arab-Japanese MOU” at the Headquarters of the Arab League.
Apr.15, 2014 The meeting with Chair of the Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils was held at the Headquarters of the Arab League.