Latest News
Jun. 1, 2016 JSPS Cairo Research Station had an orientation with Embassy of Japan at JEC-ECC2016.
May 8, 2016 JSPS Cairo Research Station had an orientation with Embassy of Japan and JSPSAAE at Kafr el Sheikh University.
May 4, 2016 JSPS Cairo Research Station took part in the Visit of the Japanese Ambassador Mr. Takehiro Kagawa to Menoufiya University.
May 1-2, 2016 The center is closed for Easter/May Day and Sham al-Nesim.
Apr. 25, 2016 The Center is Closed for the Sinai Liberation Day.
Apr. 17, 2016 JSPS Cairo Research Station had an orientation with Embassy of Japan and JSPSAAE at the British University in Egypt (BUE).
Apr.14, 2016 Call for Japanese Government (MONBUKAGAKUSHO: MEXT) Scholarship for 2017 for Research Students.
Apr. 12, 2016 Call for Faculty Position Vacancy Announcement School of Basic and Applied Sciences.
Feb.27, 2016 “Biotechnology Seminar” With the Annual Assembly Meeting of JSPSAAE was held.